Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Hoe and the Help

Do you know what sucks!!!! Any time you start a new job or move into a new place, you see this person who's totallly H-O-T.  The good news is that they work there!!! So, you call them for stupid things to help you with, you go out of your way to cross paths just so you can see them. You think about them constantly and you wonder if they're thinking about you, and suddenly......... there is another. Someone who makes their presence known and steps in and on the one thing you've been working on for days, weeks, months, what have you. The person that you've had you eye on falls into their trap. Immediately, you label the other as "The Hoe." Instead of crying and pouring into three pints of ice cream, you gossip, you try to forget, and you even look down on them and give them evil looks when you see them. You spend time telling yourself that one day they'll throw the hoe away like the garbage they are, but it seems like that moment will never come. The question is......what do you do when the moment presents itself? Do you let them come back with open arms? Do you suck you teeth and tell them to move on? Or do you drop the "f" word and tell them that you shall forever remain friends? Regardless of what you choose, be confident and stand behind your decision. You can even do a silent "nah nah na nah nah" when you run into the hoe. Just be classy and cool and remember that you have the power.

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