Monday, August 22, 2011

    He is the one! She's been waiting for a long time. Everyday, she thinks to herself: "Does he even notice me?" The time has come. She has to know. She can wait no longer.
    She spends extra time to make herself look pretty. An extra 30 minutes in the shower, 20 minutes making sure her hair is absoutely perfect, and 15 minutes to make sure that her make-up looks good. She tries to convince herself that she is pretty.She leaves her house in confidence. She says to herself "Today is the day!" She will go and "Get her man!" She waits all day in anticipation, for she knows what must be done. If she waits any longer, she will explode. It's killing her because she has to know. Will the two ever become one? There he is, standing across the way. She works up the courage to walk. Putting one foot in front of the other, moving briskly before she loses her nerve. It feels like a mile walk, but she must not stop. Only three feet away....... almost there. She stops. She has just learned that all of the mindless flirting and the extra time in the mornings was all in vain.  She can't believe her eyes. It pains her to look or even think about it. You see, as she walked toward him, she realized that she was not the only one headed his way. His he approached just before she could get her chance and right before she stopped, she witnessed the display of affection that he had with his he.

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